18th World Conference on Seismic Isolation, Energy Dissipation, and Active Vibration Control of Structures, WCSI 2023, Antalya, Turkey, 6 - 10 November 2023, vol.533 LNCE, pp.735-747
The Mw 7.7 Pazarcık and Mw 7.6 Elbistan earthquakes which occurred on February 6th, 2023, had devastating effects in 10 cities at Southwest Turkey. It is notable that several base isolated hospital buildings were constructed in the region during the past decade. These isolated hospital buildings are unique such that they experienced two very strong earthquakes in a very short time span. Therefore, it is of significant importance to investigate their seismic performance after the February 6th earthquakes. In this study, effects of the Kahramanmaraş earthquakes on the base isolated hospital buildings in the region are inspected. The isolator displacements of the hospital buildings are determined during a site visit to the earthquake region by the authors and compared with the analytical predictions obtained from nonlinear dynamic analyses. The findings are also evaluated in comparison with the isolator design displacement demands of each hospital project. The data obtained from the site visit also documents the inappropriate seismic gap and infill wall applications in the constructed projects and resulting nonstructural damages in the isolated superstructures.