The performance of a Metallurgical Facility located on the Do center dot rtyol-Hatay coast is investigated from seismic soil liquefaction engineering perspective. The facility was shaken by the M7.8, and M7.6 Pazarcik and Ekino center dot zuElbistan Kahramanmaras, earthquake sequence. This paper presents the assessment results of soil liquefaction triggering and induced ground deformations at the site. It discusses: i) the seismic response of the facility, more specifically, the surface manifestation of seismic soil liquefaction in the form of soil ejecta, ground deformations and displacements, mapped after the earthquake sequence, ii) the results of site investigation studies, performed prior to the events, iii) subsurface soil characterization of the site, iv) assessments of soil liquefaction triggering, v) analyses of liquefaction-induced ground settlements, lateral deformations and displacements, and vi) comparisons of them with those of the predicted. The case history performance documented herein, and the assessment results are believed to be useful in the development of case history-based predictive models for the assessment of liquefaction triggering and post-liquefaction ground deformations.