ENGINEERING STRUCTURES, vol.251, 2022 (SCI-Expanded)
Significant infill wall damage in reinforced concrete frame buildings was observed in the past earthquakes. A vast number of numerical approaches have been proposed to estimate the non-linear behavior of infilled frames at different scales. Mesoscale lattice models were successfully used in the past to simulate the behavior of reinforced concrete member response. In this study, two-dimensional mesoscale lattice approach with an extended calibration technique was consistently applied to simulate the response of unreinforced Aerated Autoclaved Concrete (AAC) masonry infilled reinforced concrete frames. Two AAC infilled walls were tested for the purposes of this study. The objective of the tests were to investigate the effect of infilled wall-frame interaction with and without openings and validate the proposed numerical approach. In addition to the tests conducted, two tests were used from the literature for further validation. The maximum error of load capacity estimation from the simulations was less than 15% for all the examined tests. The proposed lattice model was capable of estimating crack propagation in the infill walls with reasonable accuracy. The frame-infill wall interaction was successfully simulated with providing a realistic representation of strut formation. Finally, a parametric study was conducted to examine contact length and strut width as a function of lateral deformation. The results show that the infill wall-frame contact length is significantly dependent on the lateral deformation demand levels and properties of interaction region.