5th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Structural Engineering, AESE 2013, Taipei, Taiwan, 8 - 09 November 2013
© 2013 Earthquake Engineering Research Institute. All rights reserved.Recently in Turkey, like in the other countries located in high-seismicity zones, strengthening of brick infill walls of reinforced concrete frames has become of more interest for researchers. Application of mesh reinforcement with mortar on existing brick infill walls of reinforced concrete (RC) frames is one of recommended seismic strengthening procedures in the Turkish Seismic Code (2007). This method is easy to apply and also helps to eliminate the out-of-plane failure of existing infill walls. In this study, the performance of the mesh reinforced mortar (MRM) application was investigated by pseudo-dynamic (PsD) test protocols. A pre-damaged three-story-three-bay ½ scale RC frame with hollow clay tile (HCT) infills in the middle bay was selected. The test specimen was a code compliant specimen. No significant damage besides some flexural and shear cracking in columns, crushing and collapse of the infill walls was the initial damage state of the specimen. After removing the infill walls of the central bay, new HCT walls strengthened with MRM were built and the rehabilitated frame was tested using continuous pseudo-dynamic test method for two synthetic ground motions compatible with Düzce city center response spectrum. The paper reports the seismic response of the test frame under applied loadings.