2023 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, ISGT EUROPE 2023, Grenoble, France, 23 - 26 October 2023
With the increased utilization of high switching frequency power electronics, harmonic injections with high orders became a more common phenomenon in distribution systems. However, there is a lack of regulation concerning monitoring and magnitude limits of those voltage harmonic emissions with high frequencies. This paper inspect the voltage harmonic emissions with order greater than 40, namely voltage supraharmonic emissions in the Turkish Distribution grid. Field data from various locations and load types are collected, such that industrial, commercial, residential and hospital loads at 12 different locations were monitored. Measurement durations differ between 25-94 days. The data is analyzed, THD values for all locations are calculated and oscillographic records are examined. The results are used for investigating the risk that voltage supraharmonic emissions pose.