Topological Error Localization in Power Distribution Networks Based on WLAV State Estimation

Parlaktuna K., Dursun E., Özcan M., Göl M.

2023 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, ISGT EUROPE 2023, Grenoble, France, 23 - 26 October 2023 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Doi Number: 10.1109/isgteurope56780.2023.10407752
  • City: Grenoble
  • Country: France
  • Keywords: distribution networks, limited measurements, system identification, weighted least absolute value
  • Middle East Technical University Affiliated: Yes


Penetration of renewables and electrical vehicles has increased the necessity for improvement in distribution system situational awareness. Power flow analysis and state estimation are the major tools that are used by system operators for this purpose. These tools require correct topology of the system. However it is very common in distribution systems to have an incorrect topology. The incorrect topology leads to incorrect analysis results, and hence may lead to incorrect decisions. Incorrect topology information may also cause danger for the staff working at the field. A weighted least absolute value (WLAV) state estimation based method to detect and identify incorrect topology is proposed. The limited number of measurements at distribution systems is compensated by using pseudo-measurements based customer load profiles which are available to distribution system operator. By adjusting the weights of the real-time measurements and pseudo-measurements a solution to system states is obtained. This paper illustrates that WLAV state estimation can be utilized to localize topological errors in radial distribution grids.