GoalDAG – Archimate integration

Gungor C., Gungor C., Oguztuzun H.

Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol.465, pp.194-210, 2014 (Scopus) identifier


© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014.Organizational alignment is an important issue in various interest areas such as Strategy, Business Process Management, Requirements Engineering, and Enterprise Architecture. From IT perspective the most holistic approach on alignment and control is Enterprise Architecture. Enterprise Architecture's eminent standard framework is TOGAF with companion architecture modeling language ArchiMate. Although ArchiMate proposes Motivation Extension to facilitate strategic alignment, this extension does not offer any facility to verify and/or validate the architecture model. Moreover, the Motivation Extension proposes its model elements to be linked to the core elements only through the stakeholder element. This paper proposes an ArchiMate Profile for GoalDAG. GoalDAG is a simple goal model that can be linked to the different model elements seamlessly and enables to validate the existing model. To represent GoalDAG integration with Enterprise Architecture, ArchiMate - GoalDAG profile is developed and exemplified through TOGAF's ArchiSurance fictitious case study.