Metamodeling of Reference Software Architecture and Automatic Code Generation

Turhan N. K., Oguztuzun H.

10th European Conference on Software Architecture Workshops (ECSA), Copenhagen, Denmark, 28 November - 02 December 2016 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Doi Number: 10.1145/2993412.3004850
  • City: Copenhagen
  • Country: Denmark
  • Keywords: Model Driven Software Development, Reference Software Architecture, Domain Specific Language, Automatic Code Generation, Model to Text Transformation
  • Middle East Technical University Affiliated: Yes


Architectures of all application software that are developed by Sea Defense Systems Software Team in ASELSAN are created based on a predefined reference software architecture. In order to facilitate the process of transition from the software architectural design, which is created in conformance with the reference software architecture, to implementation a model driven software development approach is put forth. In this approach, based on a metamodel for the predefined reference software architecture, a domain specific language is defined. In the last stage, models that are created by using the domain specific language are automatically transformed to source code.