Alfa Manyetik Spektrometresi (AMS-02) ile Düşük Dünya Yörüngesinde Helyum ve Ağır İyon Akı Analizi, AMS-02 Verilerinin Makine Öğrenmesi ile İşlenmesi ve Kuantum Algoritmalarla Parçacık İzi Oluşturma Algoritmaları Geliştirilmesi

Demirköz M. B. (Executive)

Project Supported by Other Official Institutions, 2020 - 2023

  • Project Type: Project Supported by Other Official Institutions
  • Begin Date: May 2020
  • End Date: May 2023

Project Abstract

Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer is a multi-purpose particle physics experiment that has been carried to the International Space Station with the launch of Space Shuttle Endeavour flight STS-134, that took place on 16th of May, 2011. During 8 years period, AMS has collected approximately 150 billion cosmic-ray data and based on these data, AMS-02 collaboration has published many papers including proton, electron, positron and helium particle flux and spectrum in Physical Review Letters. A series of upgrades to AMS-02 were installed to extend its lifespan to 2028 between December 2019 and January 2020.

AMS-02 is projected to continue to operate as long as the International Space Station is maintained in space. Due to a dedicated special link to NASA, the Payload Operations and Control Center (POCC) is now based at CERN. The METU AMS team published many papers and contributed to shifts and operations in the POCC, to data analysis and the listed physics goals, especially that of dark matter search. After that, the team will focus space radiation environment in order to analyze helium and heavy ion flux under different parameters in low earth orbit using the data recorded by AMS-02. Additional to the physics analysis, Machine Learning algorithms will be investigated in order to increase the efficiencies of measurements and improve calibrations of AMS-02 subsytems such as the Transition Radiation Dector(TRD) and Electromagnetic Calorimeter(ECAL). Quantum Computing methods for particle track reconstruction will be also a point of intereset as this new method of information processing promisses many benefits and as these algorithms can be used in particle physics experiments including AMS-02. These attempts will try the improve the performance of the current Kalman Filter based algorithms.