Turan R. (Executive), Günbaş E. G., Yerci S.
H2020 Project, 2013 - 2018
Europe has invoked the SET-Plan to design and implement an energy technology policy for Europe to accelerate
the development and deployment of cost-effective renewable energy systems, including photovoltaics. With
lower cost of solar electricity, PV could significantly contribute to the achievements of the 20-20-20 objectives.
The Joint Program on PV of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA-PV) aims to increase the
effectiveness and efficiency of PV R&D through alignment and joint programming of R&D of its member
institutes, and to contribute to the R&D-needs of the Solar Europe Industry Initiative.
In CHEETAH, all EERA-PV members will, through collaborative R&D activities, (1) focus on solving specific
bottlenecks in the R&D Joint Program of EERA-PV, (2) strengthen the collaboration between PV R&D performers
in Europe through sharing of knowledge, personnel and facilities, and (3) accelerate the implementation
of developed technologies in the European PV industry. Specifically, CHEETAH R&D will support Pillar A
(performance enhancement & energy cost reduction) of the SEII Implementation Plan, through materials
optimization and performance enhancement.
CHEETAH’s objectives are threefold:
1) Developing new concepts and technologies for wafer-based crystalline silicon PV (modules with ultra-thin
cells), thin-film PV (advanced light management) and organic PV (very low-cost barriers), resulting in (strongly)
reduced cost of materials and increased module performance;
2) Fostering long-term European cooperation in the PV R&D sector, by organizing workshops, training of
researchers, efficient use of infrastructures;
3) Accelerating the implementation of innovative technologies in the PV industry, by a strong involvement of
EPIA and EIT-KIC InnoEnergy in the program
It is the ambition of CHEETAH to develop technology and foster manufacturing capabilities so that Europe can
regain and build up own manufacturing capacity in all parts of the value chain in due time.