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Kaya Merdan S. (Yürütücü), Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü M. I.

Erasmus Projesi, 2020 - 2023

  • Proje Türü: Erasmus Projesi
  • Başlama Tarihi: Mart 2020
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Nisan 2023

Proje Özeti

Artificial intelligence is the general name of the technology of developing machines that are created with completely artificial tools and can exhibit human-like behaviours and movements, without taking advantage of any living organism. AI plays an increasingly important role in society. In the unqualified employment need, it is expected to create employment growth with the right education and labor policies along with digital transformation in the industry and artificial intelligence technologies. AI is a general-purpose technology, it will affect every profession, every job. A quality education to support this transformation is therefore critical. With our action driven project, our main goal is to inspire new generation AI leaders and to teach young people (15-24 age group) the knowledge, skills and ethics to meet the need for AI skills with our . Artificial intelligence training will be given to 60 young people to be selected for this purpose, online and face to face by experts from METU's Mathematics Department and Mind Map Association, our local partners. AI Trainings planned in our project will cover courses such as software language (Python Programming Language), Algorithm and Programming, Advanced Internet Technologies, Mathematics (Linear Algebra and Numerical Computing), Statistics (Basic Statistics, Probability Theory, Sorting, Classification, Clustering Techniques), Data Analysis, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Python and Machine and Deep Learning. At the end of this training, the participants will be subjected to a written examination by experts and the 10 most successful young people will be taken to our project partners in Sweden and Germany for training. Through ARDA Beratung & Bildung in Germany, various trainings will be received from Berlin Technical, Frei and Humboldt Universities, and a technical trip will be organized to the German Ministry of Education and Research and the Journal of Science called Spiegel. The design of the vehicle aging project carried out by the Volvo Company, our partner in Sweden, using artificial intelligence in the automotive industry will be shown. Their work on artificial intelligence applications at Chalmers University will be seen on site. Introducing the Numpy library with Python, data analysis with the Pandas library, and data visualization studies with the Seaborn library will be practically demonstrated. Electric vehicles and artificial intelligence applications developed in CEVT will be introduced to our participants by experts. The most important outcome of all these Artificial Intelligence trainings that will be realized thanks to our project is that the participants create models, compare models, and gain knowledge and skills to decide which model is the best. It will also contribute to the production of infrastructure, resources (books, portal etc.) for artificial intelligence literacy and the production of artificial intelligence curricula in high schools. With these experiences, the participant teachers are expected to create a training module, develop a curriculum, and develop activities and materials to be applied in the classroom or workshops. Other intellectual outputs to be created by the participants of our project; It is a public spot and a short film. These will be published on youtube channel and web page and will be free Çağrı 2020 3. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği KA205 - Gençlik alanında Stratejik Ortaklıklar Form Kimlik No KA205-A2A270B1 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 2020-10-01 12:00:00 TR 2 / 130 to access. Artificial intelligence training module will be uploaded to the project's web page and the module will be open to unlimited use. As the coordinating institution, Mamak District National Education Directorate, project management, dissemination and sustainability studies are seen very important. All precautions will be taken in order to reach more people with news, studies and outputs that will explain all the details about our project. At the end of the project, informed participant youth who understand the fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence will be a part and contributor of important public policies to be created inevery field where Artificial Intelligence technologies are applied. It is expected that the Ministry of Education will contribute to the innovation studies related to artificial intelligence, the curriculum will be developed, and it will be adapted to lower levels in the next stage with the proposal of artificial intelligence education curriculum to be created for high schools within the scope of the project.