Cultoure4Youth: Supporting Youth Entrepreneurship in Cultural Tourism for coastal communities in the Black Sea region

Yücel M. (Yürütücü), Şahin Yücel E., Salihoğlu B., Uygurer Z. P.

AB Destekli Diğer Projeler, 2021 - 2023

  • Proje Türü: AB Destekli Diğer Projeler
  • Başlama Tarihi: Şubat 2021
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Haziran 2023

Proje Özeti

The motivation of this activity is justified by its ambition to respond to another latent challenge in the Black Sea region, namely youth unemployment and brain drain. Building on the notion that cultural tourism with a maritime dimension is an up and coming blue growth generator for the countries surrounding the Black Sea, the activity aims to become a capacity building initiator in order to:

• increase the knowledge and entrepreneurial culture of young people, to be able to meet market demands and identify business opportunities;

• promote sustainable coastal tourism practices to develop new products, services and processes for sustainable cultural tourism;

• motivate employers, educational institutions, policymakers and civil society, and facilitate synergies among them, to support youth entrepreneurship with concrete actions.