Gıda Güvenligi Için 5G Bağlantılı ve Fotovoltaik Güçle Çalısan Yeni Nesil Seralar

Turan R. (Executive)

TUBITAK Project, 2020 - 2023

  • Project Type: TUBITAK Project
  • Begin Date: July 2020
  • End Date: July 2023

Project Abstract

This project aims to facilitate the sustainable and profitable production of vegetables by

applying internet of things (IoT), big data and 5G communication technologies to photovoltaic

(solar energy) integrated, next generation smart green houses. The project addresses the

Qatar National Research Strategy pillars of “energy and environment” and “computer science

and ICT” by addressing current technology gaps in the research priority areas of Additive

manufacturing: “6. Laser processing, surface property manipulation;” ICT in manufacturing:

“1. Big data analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence; 2. Industrial Internet of

Things; 5. Predictive maintenance” with application to the industrial sector of “5. Food and

Agriculture,” “7. Energy (included renewable energy),” and “12. IT, Telecom, Electrical and

Electronics Industry.” To achieve the goals of the project, a team of four institutions has been

assembled to address the core areas of IOT, anomaly detection, photovoltaics, and next

generation greenhouse design.