IthruI Towards Better Robot Manipulation Improvement through Interaction

Creative Commons License

Şahin E. (Yürütücü), Yazıcı A. (Yürütücü)

7. Çerçeve Programı Projesi, 2014 - 2016

  • Proje Türü: 7. Çerçeve Programı Projesi
  • Başlama Tarihi: Mart 2014
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Ağustos 2016

Proje Özeti

This project aims to investigate how learning can be used to improve and expand the manipulation abilities of a robot-out-of-a-box. Robots, like all other gadgets, will come out of their box with a certain amount of built-in knowledge that will enable them to perform a set of tasks with a reasonable performance at the push of a button. The project argues that, the robot-out-of-a-box should come with both (1) a set of built-in capabilities that would enable it to solve manipulation tasks in unstructured human environments, as well as (2) the learning ability to extend and improve, and with guarantees not to hinder, its capabilities through its interactions over the lifetime of the robot with minimal user effort. Moreover, foreseeing that manipulation capabilities of robots will remain inferior to those of humans in the near future, and the project aims to extend their capabilities of the robots through simple forms of communications that enable them to “manipulate humans”.