Moocs for Mobile Game Development Programme Ücretsiz ÇEvirimiçi Kitlesel Mobil Geliştirme Programı (m-Game)

Çağıltay K. (Yürütücü), Gürel Köybaşı N. A.

Erasmus Projesi, 2018 - 2021

  • Proje Türü: Erasmus Projesi
  • Başlama Tarihi: Eylül 2018
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Aralık 2021

Proje Özeti

m-Game is a MOOC portal for Mobile Game Development. MOOCs are gaining popularity among online learners recently. Their structured curriculum and well defined target behaviors, tutor support create confidence and reliability when compared to similar but informal online learning mediums. m-Game platform will have 15 MOOCs to strengthen different skills and competences about mobile game development. Each MOOC will be self standing, free, and take several weeks with several working hours load weekly. All the Participants will be free to choose which lessons to take.

The list of MOOCs as follows.

1-Object Oriented Programming,
2- Developing with C# programming language,
3- Developing Interactive Applications with Unity,
4- Visual Programming
5- Database Query Methods
6- SQL Querying
7- Database Design
8- Database Management,
9- Monetization Strategy,
10- Publishing on application markets,
11- Marketing, Advertising for Mobile Applications.
12- Mobile Game Dynamics
13- Storyboarding for mobile game
14- Game usability testing
15- Measurement of audience

The MOOCS will be available with different languages which are, English, Turkish, Greek, Italian and Spanish.

Ministry of National Education and Turkish Employment Agency accept to suggest m-Game MOOCs the their student, graduates and unemployed people for strengthening mobile game development skills and competences. The topics covered by m-MOOC will help participants to find better jobs, mobility or entrepreneurship.

The consortium leader is METU, a research university in Turkey Damasistem, operating at the Middle East Technical University TECHNOPOLIS, is a research and development company focusing on design and development of educational software. MoNE is th Ministry of National Education in Turkey which manages one of the largest educational systems in Europe. AIJU is the Asociacion de Investigacion de la Industria del Juguete (AIJU) is a private not-for-profit organisation in Spain. The Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (iED) is a Greek NGO committed to the promotion of innovation and the enhancing of the entrepreneurial spirit. And EURO-NET is a not for profit association that is member or associated member of 58 international networks (5 of them are EU
networks: EUROPE