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Books & Book Chapters


in: EUROPA CRISTIANA E IMPERO OTTOMANO, Agostino Borromeo,Pierantonio Piatti,Hans Ernst Weidinger, Editor, HOLLITZER VERLAG, Vienna, pp.295-319, 2020

The Silk Road in a Comparative History of Religion and Civilization Perspective

in: Türkiye’de Sinolojinin 80. Yılı 1. Çin Araştırmaları Konferansı Kitapçığı , Bülent Okay, Editor, China Intercontinental Press, Beijing, pp.42-57, 2017

La Turchia, l’Italia, l’Islam e la Chiesa Cattolica in una prospettiva storica

in: La Turchia nello spazio euromediterraneo, Edoardo Boria,Sandra Leonardi and Cosimo Palagiano, Editor, Edizioni Nuova Cultura, Roma, Rome, pp.84-100, 2014

L'Immagine del Turco fra la Santa Sede, Venezia e L'Impero Ottomano nell'età moderna

in: Das Bild des Feindes. Konstruktion von Antagonismen und Kulturtransfer im Zeitalter der Türkenkriege , Eckhard Leuschner Thomas Wünsch, Editor, Gebr. Mann Verlag, Berlin, pp.23-40, 2013

La visione dell’Europa dal mondo ottomano nell’età moderna

in: Slavica viterbiensia 003, Periodico di letterature e culture slave della Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere Moderne dell'Università della Tuscia, Ornella Discacciati Raffaele Caldarelli, Editor, Gangemi Editore, Rome, pp.25-39, 2011

Italian perceptions of the Ottomans from the 15th to 18th Century

in: Repräsentationen der islamischen Welt im Europa der Frühen Neuzeit, Haug Moritz,G. L. Pelizaeus, Editor, Aschendorff Verlag, Münster, pp.168-176, 2010

Tiaras and Dervishes in Anatolian Iconography

in: The Art of Central Asia and the Indian Subcontinent : In Cross-cultural Perspective, Anupa Pande Mandira Sharma, Editor, Aryan Books International, New Delhi, pp.292-306, 2008

Papalık ve Venedik Belgelerinde Avrupa’nın Birliği ve Osmanlı Devleti

İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, İstanbul, 2007

The Genealogy of the ‘Other’: The Turks, Islam and Europe

in: Are We Captives of History? Historical Essays on Turkey and Europe, Edgeir Benum,Alf Johansson,Jan-Erik Smilden,Alf Storrud, Editor, University of Oslo Press, Oslo, pp.31-70, 2007

The Ottoman Empire and Europe in Political History through Venetian and Papal Sources

in: Cultural Encounters Between East and West: 1453-1699, Matthew Birchwood and Matthew Dimmock, Editor, Cambridge Scholars Press, Newcastle Upon Tyne, pp.168-194, 2005

A Practical Application of “Otherness” in Political History: The Italian Case and The Ottoman Empire (15th-18th Centuries)

in: Representations of the “Other/s” in the Mediterranean World and Their Impact on the Region, Nedret Kuran-Burçoğlu & Susan Gilson Miller, Editor, The Isis Press, İstanbul, pp.93-124, 2005

„Das Osmanische Reich und das Papstum im Prozeß der europäischen Identitätsbildung. Ein politikgeschichtlicher Blick auf das Zeitalter des Westfälischen Friedens“

in: Europa im 17. Jahrhundert. Ein politischer Mythos und seine Bilder, Klaus BußmannElke Werner, Editor, Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, pp.79-94, 2004




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