2016 - Continues Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of City and Regional Planning
2004 - Continues Associate Professor (Promotion)
1998 - Continues Assistant Professor
Spatial dynamics of creative industries: The case of computer programming sector in Ankara
KAYASÜ S. (Advisor)
B.DURMAZ(Student), Doctorate, 2022 -
Assessing the sustainability of urban agriculture: The case of Çankaya municipality
KAYASÜ S. (Advisor)
Ş.BAŞAK(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
Changing workspaces and urban experiences of creative labor: The case of İstanbul
KAYASÜ S. (Advisor)
G.GÜNER(Student), Postgraduate, 2021 -
Women entrepreneurship in local economic development: women producer bazaars as an alternative organizational model
KAYASÜ S. (Advisor)
Effects of urban tourism on the historical urban space within the framework of urban revitalization: the case of Hamamönü, Ankara
KAYASÜ S. (Advisor)
Rural area definition and examination of spatial distribution of rural development projects in Turkey: case study of IPARD in Ankara
KAYASÜ S. (Advisor)
Evaluation of development readjustment share deduction from the puplic service areas with regard to public interest concept : the case of Turkish State Railways
KAYASÜ S. (Advisor)
Framework to understand policy capacity of regional institutions in a state centric tradition; case of development agencies in Turkey
KAYASÜ S. (Advisor)
Evaluation of effects of thermal tourism on local economy : the case of Thermal District of Yalova
KAYASÜ S. (Advisor)
The asssessment of ınstitutional performance in İzmir Development Agency
KAYASÜ S. (Advisor)
Spatial impacts of globalization
KAYASÜ S. (Advisor)
A critical review of the tools & techniques used in coastal planning: case study Muğla-Gökova special environmental protection area
KAYASÜ S. (Advisor)
The problem of eligibility of uncertified gecekondu possessors in urban transformation implementations in Turkey: the case of Ankara Dikmen valley 4th and 5th phases urban transformation and development project
KAYASÜ S. (Advisor)
Assessment of ‘institutional thickness’ within the context of tourism-led local economic development: the case of Beypazari
KAYASÜ S. (Advisor)
An analysis on the transformation of urban identity : case study of Bodrum
KAYASÜ S. (Advisor)
Spatial structuring of technology based production in Türkiye: the case of professional electronics industry in Ankara
KAYASÜ S. (Advisor)
The role of producer services in the exportation process: the case of Denizli as an industrial district
KAYASÜ S. (Advisor)