2001 - 2003 Deputy Head of Department
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Engineering, Makine Mühendisliği Bölümü
1994 - 1995 Makina Mühendisi
1993 - 1994 doktora sonrası araştırmacı
Lehigh University (USA)
1992 - 1993 öğretim görevlisi
Lehigh University (USA)
1989 - 1992 Araştırma Görevlisi
Lehigh University (USA)
Nonlinear behaviour and stress concentrations in natural fiber composites under transverse loading
KADIOĞLU F. S. (Advisor)
Thermal stress problems ın FGMS
KADIOĞLU F. S. (Advisor)
Stress redistribution around fiber breaks in unidirectional steel fiber composites under longitudinal tensile loading
KADIOĞLU F. S. (Advisor)
Fatigue pre-cracking life estimation for fracture toughness test specimens
KADIOĞLU F. S. (Advisor)
Formulation of a beam finite element for micro beams
KADIOĞLU F. S. (Advisor)
Dynamic analysis of beams with breathing crack using finite element method
KADIOĞLU F. S. (Advisor)
Dynamic analysis of beam with breathing crack using finite element method
KADIOĞLU F. S. (Advisor)
B.ÖZKAN(Student), Postgraduate, 2017 -
Theoretical and experimental analyses of compliant universal joint
KADIOĞLU F. S. (Advisor)
Fracture analysis of welded connections
KADIOĞLU F. S. (Advisor)
Thermal stress problem for an fgm strip containing periodic cracks
KADIOĞLU F. S. (Advisor)
Periodic crack problem for an FGM coated half plane
KADIOĞLU F. S. (Advisor)
Vibration analysis of cracked beams on elastic foundation using Timoshenko beam theory
KADIOĞLU F. S. (Advisor)
Shock failure analysis of military equipments by using strain energy density
KADIOĞLU F. S. (Advisor)
Design and Analysis of a Multi-Axis Thrust Measurement Systems
Kadıoğlu F. S., Yazıcıoğlu Y. (Co-Advisor)
A.AYDOĞMUŞ(Student), Postgraduate, 2009 -
Design and analysis of a linear shape memory alloy actuator
KADIOĞLU F. S. (Advisor)
Computational 3d fracture analysis in axisymmetric media
KADIOĞLU F. S. (Co-Advisor), DAĞ S. (Co-Advisor)
Residual stress analysis of riveting process using finite element method
KADIOĞLU F. S. (Advisor)
Analytical solution of a crack problem in a radially graded FGM
KADIOĞLU F. S. (Advisor)
Vıbration induced stress and accelerated life analyses of an aerospace structure
KADIOĞLU F. S. (Advisor)
Buckling driven delamination of orthotropic functionally graded materials
DAĞ S. (Co-Advisor), KADIOĞLU F. S. (Co-Advisor)
Vibration fatigue analysis of equipments used in aerospace
KADIOĞLU F. S. (Advisor)
Analytical solution of a ring shaped crack problems in a hollow cylinder imbedded in a dissimilar medium
KADIOĞLU F. S. (Advisor)
Ö.MADEN(Student), Postgraduate, 2002 -
A Computational elastic fracture analysis of cylindrical and conical structures
KADIOĞLU F. S. (Advisor)
G.ATALAY(Student), Postgraduate, 2002 -
Development of a computer program for the analysis of fatigue crack growth
KADIOĞLU F. S. (Advisor)
Transversely isotropic layer bonded to a rigid substrate
KADIOĞLU F. S. (Advisor)
M.AYKUT(Student), Postgraduate, 2000 -
Axisymmetrical crack problem for a fiber imbedded in a matrix
KADIOĞLU F. S. (Advisor)
E.SABRİ(Student), Postgraduate, 1999