2018 - Continues Assistant Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering
2013 - 2018 Assistant Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering
2022 - Continues Head of Department
Middle East Technical University, Faculty Of Engineering, Department Of Petroleum And Natural Gas Engineering
Comparison of host government petroleum contracts and applicability for turkey deepwater offshore licences
DURGUT İ. (Advisor)
F.VURAL(Student), Postgraduate, 2021 -
Oil spill surface fate model through random walk method with drifted particles in voronoi diagram
DURGUT İ. (Advisor)
M.ERDOĞAN(Student), Postgraduate, 2021 -
Modeling and simulation of the fluid flow in artificially fractured and gel treated core plugs
DURGUT İ. (Advisor)
O.ALP(Student), Postgraduate, 2021 -
Design and evaluation of wellbore strengthening materials for fractured reservoirs
DURGUT İ. (Advisor)
Development of a screening model for polymer flooding in multi-layer reservoirs
DURGUT İ. (Advisor)
Random walk particle modelling of polymer injection using MATLAB reservoir simulation toolbox
DURGUT İ. (Advisor)
Behavior of pollutants percolation in homogeneous porous media
DURGUT İ. (Advisor)
Particle tracking modeling of marine sediment pollution
DURGUT İ. (Advisor)