2004 - Continues Professor
2003 - Continues Associate Professor (Promotion)
1995 - Continues Associate Professor (Title)
1988 - Continues Assistant Professor
1981 - 1988 Instructor/Reader
METU Dept. of S
Criticism of contemporary art initiatives in arts from feminist standpoint theory: the case of Ankara / Turkey.
ECEVİT M. C. (Advisor)
Working class feminism: solidarity and experience in a factory strike in Turkey
ECEVİT M. C. (Advisor)
Capitalist food regime and the agrifood problem: a critique of political economic and post-developmentalist understandings of the agrarian/peasant question
ECEVİT M. C. (Advisor)
'Çekme' ritual in a village of Black Sea region in Turkey: bride kidnapping as a critique of alternative systems of marriage
ECEVİT M. C. (Advisor)
Towards precarious politics: assembly, mourning and livable life
ECEVİT M. C. (Advisor)
Gender and women’s studies: situated academic marginalization
ECEVİT M. C. (Advisor)
Formation of working class in a steel town in Turkey: a narration of workers from public to private sector
ECEVİT M. C. (Advisor)
The Reflections of urban poor in social realist films of Turkey
ECEVİT M. C. (Advisor)
Class-based resistance dynamics of petty commodity producers: subjective aspects of everyday life in a village of Western Turkey /
ECEVİT M. C. (Co-Advisor), ERDOĞAN N. (Co-Advisor)
Rural development and women's empowerment : the case of rural women's organizations in Turkey
ECEVİT M. C. (Advisor)
Modernism and the peasantry : the case of Turkey
ECEVİT M. C. (Advisor)
A feminist standpoint analysis of women’s shelters: a case in Turkey
ECEVİT M. C. (Advisor)
The politicization of gender: from identity politics to post-identity
ECEVİT M. C. (Advisor)
Criticism of technology in terms of social determinism: perspectives of scientists from Turkey
ECEVİT M. C. (Advisor)
Social and spatial production of Atatürk Boulevard in Ankara
ECEVİT M. C. (Advisor)
Petty agricultural production and contract farming : a case in turkey
ECEVİT M. C. (Advisor)
Globalization, transnationalization and imperialism : evaluation of sociology of agriculture and food in the case of Turkey
ECEVİT M. C. (Advisor)
Social and economic resources and physical abuse against women by their husbands
ECEVİT M. C. (Advisor)
Woman’s labor and poverty : the case of Eskisehir province in Turkey
ECEVİT M. C. (Advisor)
Gender analysis of national identity discourse in twp novels : the case of Greece and Turkey
ECEVİT M. C. (Advisor)
Gendering the individual and the population : patriarchal production of gendered subjectivities in political thought in early Republican Turkey
ECEVİT M. C. (Advisor)
Conceptual analysis of tourism: the case of Marmaris Town in Turkey
ECEVİT M. C. (Advisor)
Patriarchal structures and practices in Turkey : the case of social realist and national films of 1960s
ECEVİT M. C. (Advisor)
The role of television in rural women's everday life : the case of Topaklı Village
ECEVİT M. C. (Advisor)
Poverty or social reproduction of labour : life in çöplük district
ECEVİT M. C. (Advisor)
Urbanization and social thought in Turkey
ECEVİT M. C. (Advisor)
A socilogical analysis of motherhood ideology in Turkey. \
ECEVİT M. C. (Advisor)
Feminist analysis of rural women in a village of Turkey
ECEVİT M. C. (Advisor)