Publications & Works

Published journal articles indexed by SCI, SSCI, and AHCI
Refereed Congress / Symposium Publications in Proceedings

Geç Osmanlı Anadolusu’nda Devlet Memurları ve Kamusal Düzen Bozukluğu

Osmanlı Anadolu’xxsunda Toplumsal ve Kültürel Yaşam, Ankara, Turkey, 12 - 13 December 2018

Politics in exile: strategies of opposition to the republic among Turkish exiles in the interwar period

Middle Eastern and Balkan Mobilities in the Interwar Period (1918-1939), Cambridge, Canada, 13 - 14 September 2018

”The moral dilemma of the state: Anti-syphilis propaganda in the late Ottoman empire and the early Turkish republc”

Villes, Sociétés urbaines Syphilis en Méditerranée et au-dela (XVIeme-XXIeme Siecles), Marsilya, France, 25 - 27 October 2017
Books & Book Chapters

Nations and Nationalisms in the Late Ottoman Empire

in: The Cambridge History of Nationhood and Nationalism. Volume 2, Nationalism's Fields of Interaction , Cathie Carmichael,Matthew D'Auria,Aviel Roshwald, Editor, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (MA), USA , Cambridge, pp.24-42, 2023


in: Borders, Boundaries and Belonging in Post-Ottoman Space in the Interwar Period, Ebru Boyar,Kate Fleet, Editor, Brill, Leiden , Leiden, pp.1-11, 2023

5. Great Britain and ‘a small and poor peasant state’: Turkey, Britain and the 1930 Anglo-Turkish Treaty of Commerce and Navigation

in: From Enemies to Allies Turkey and Britain, 1918–1960, Daniel-Joseph MacArthur-Seal,Dilek Barlas,Wiiliam Hale, Editor, Routledge, London/New York , New York, pp.904-919, 2023

Chapter 5 Yüzellilikler: the League of Nations’s First and Only Muslim Refugees

in: Borders, Boundaries and Belonging in Post-Ottoman Space in the Interwar Period, Ebru Boyar,Kate Fleet, Editor, Brill, Leiden , Leiden, pp.105-140, 2023

Chapter 1 An Overview of Economic Life in Ottoman Anatolia

in: Making a Living in Ottoman Anatolia, Ebru Boyar,Kate Fleet, Editor, Brill, Leiden , Leiden, pp.1-20, 2021

Chapter 8 The Draw of the Lottery: Piyango, Profit and Politics in Early Twentieth-Century İzmir

in: Making a Living in Ottoman Anatolia, Ebru Boyar,Kate Fleet, Editor, Brill, Leiden , Leiden, pp.175-205, 2021

Chapter 1: The Ottoman society through the lens of entertainment

in: Entertainment among the Ottomans, Ebru Boyar,Kate Fleet, Editor, Brill, Leiden , Leiden, pp.1-21, 2019

Chapter 8: The late Ottoman brothel in Istanbul: heterosexual social space for homosocial entertainment?

in: Entertainment Among the Ottomans, Boyar,Ebru ve Fleet,Kate, Editor, Brill, Leiden , Leiden, pp.160-182, 2019

Yisitanbuer: Miansha xia de qiqiu zhi cheng

Cambridge University Press- Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House , Shanghai, 2018

Chapter 1: Approaching societies in the interwar Middle East and North Africa

in: Middle Eastern and North African Societies in the Interwar Period, Ebru Boyar,Kate Fleet, Editor, Brill, Leiden , Leiden, pp.1-26, 2018

Approaching societies in the interwar Middle East and North Africa

in: Middle Eastern and North African Societies in the Interwar Period, Ebru Boyar, Kate Fleet, Editor, Brill, Leiden, pp.1-26, 2018

Chapter 8: Taking health to the village: Early Turkish republican health propaganda in the countryside

in: Middle Eastern and North African Societies in the Interwar Period, Ebru Boyar,Kate Fleet, Editor, Brill, Leiden , Leiden, pp.164-211, 2018

“4. Doğu’da Osmanlı Genişlemesi”

in: Türkiye Tarihi 1453 1603 Bülent Üçpunar çev, Suraiya N. Faroqhi and Kate Fleet, Editor, Kitap Yayınevi, İstanbul, pp.113-188, 2016

“Chapter 15: the Ottoman city: 1500-1800”

in: The Oxford Handbook of Cities in World History, Peter Clark, Editor, Oxford University Press, London , Oxford, pp.275-291, 2016

“Chapter 8: the public presence and political visibility of Ottoman women”

in: Ottoman Women in Public Space, Ebru Boyar ve Kate Fleet, Editor, Brill, Leiden, pp.230-252, 2016 Sustainable Development

“Chapter 7: an imagined moral community: Ottoman female public presence, honour and marginality”

in: Ottoman Women in Public Space, Ebru Boyar,Kate Fleet, Editor, Brill, Leiden , Leiden, pp.187-229, 2016 Sustainable Development

“Chapter 1: Ottoman women in public space: an introduction”

in: Ottoman Women in Public Space, Ebru Boyar ve Kate Fleet, Editor, Brill, Leiden , Leiden, pp.1-17, 2016 Sustainable Development

Osmanlı İstanbul unun Toplumsal Tarihi Serpil Çağlayan çev

Türkiye Şs Bankası Kültür Yayınları, İstanbul, 2014

“Türk Mezalimi” ve/veya “Rus Barbarlıkları”: 93 Harbi Sırasında İngiliz Basını ve Siyasi Tercihler”

in: Balkanlar ve Göç The Balkans and Mass Immigration, İsmail Mangaltepe ve Ali Fuat Örenç, Editor, Bursa Büyükşehir Belediyesi Yayınları, Bursa, pp.173-187, 2013 Sustainable Development

“Chapter 4: Ottoman expansion in the East”

in: Cambridge History of Turkey II The Ottoman Empire as a World Power 1453 1603, Suraiya N. Faroqhi ve Kate Fleet, Editor, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (MA), USA , Cambridge, pp.74-140, 2012

A Social History of Ottoman Istanbul

Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (MA), USA , London, 2010

Turkish-Bulgarian relations in the early Turkish Republic: The view from Ankara”

in: Turkish Bulgarian Relations Past and Present, Mustafa Türkeş, Editor, TASAM, 2010
Other Publications



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