2015 - Continues Associate Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Department of Political Science and Public Administration
2002 - 2015 Assistant Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Department of Political Science and Public Administration
2001 - 2002 Lecturer PhD
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Department of Political Science and Public Administration
2002 - Continues yardımcı Doçent
Orta Dogu teknik Universitesi
Postgraduate Gender and Politics in Latin America
Undergraduate Democratization and Europeanization in Turkey
Postgraduate Politics and Society in Latin America
Undergraduate Turkish Politics and Political Structure 2
Undergraduate Toplumsal Araştırmanın Temelleri
Women's mobilizations for quota reforms in France and Argentina
ASLAN AKMAN C. (Advisor)
A.ABAY(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
Women's substantive representation: The case of opposition women representatives in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM)
ASLAN AKMAN C. (Advisor)
T.GÜLTEPE(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
Public private partnerships in nutrition education: policy and evidence from Turkey and the European Union
ASLAN AKMAN C. (Advisor)
Gender and professional achievement: Turkish women conductors in classical music orchestras
ASLAN AKMAN C. (Advisor)
Transformation of civil-military relations: an analysis of the officers’ views about the civilianization reform process in Turkey (1999-2016)
ASLAN AKMAN C. (Advisor)
Venezuelan democracy in transition: Problematizing the Chavez Period
ASLAN AKMAN C. (Advisor)
The Experience of marriage: a comparative study of Gustave Flaubert’s Madame Bovary & Halit Ziya Uşakligil’s Aşk-ı Memnu with a psychoanalytic feminist perspective
ASLAN AKMAN C. (Advisor)
Women and trade unions: Participation and resistance in patriarchal organizations
ASLAN AKMAN C. (Advisor)
Gendered citizenship: Experiences and perceptions of the Bulgarian Turkish immigrant women
ASLAN AKMAN C. (Advisor)
Accomodating Diversity Within Feminism İn Turkey : The Amargi Women’s Cooperative, 2001-2011
ASLAN AKMAN C. (Advisor)
A feminist analysis of the gender dynamics in the alevi belief and cem rituals
ASLAN AKMAN C. (Advisor)
"The conservative-democratic" identity of the Justice and Development Party in the Turkish center-right tradition
ASLAN AKMAN C. (Advisor)
Sexual violence against women in civil wars: an analysis of Yugoslavian Civil War
ASLAN AKMAN C. (Advisor)
Sexual violence against women in civil wars: An analysis of the Yugoslavian civil war
ASLAN AKMAN C. (Advisor)
G.ÖZEL(Student), Postgraduate, 2006 -
Civilian-military relations in the Argentinean democratization (1983-1995)
ASLAN AKMAN C. (Advisor)
The transformation of the nationalist ideology : the nationalist action party in turkey after the 1999 elections
ASLAN AKMAN C. (Advisor)
Socialism and feminism: An analysis of Turkish radical socialist articles (1987-1994)
ASLAN AKMAN C. (Advisor)
Teenage girls'life coach: A comparative and critical analysis of İpek Ongun's trilogy of good manners and personal growth
ASLAN AKMAN C. (Advisor)
A.SELEN(Student), Postgraduate, 2005 -
Teenage girls' life coach : a comparative and critical analysis of İpek Ongun trilogy of good manners and personal growth
ASLAN AKMAN C. (Advisor)
İnstitutional and attitudinal determinants of women's legislative recruitment: The case of the Republican People's Party
ASLAN AKMAN C. (Advisor)
Ö.ADIGÜZEL(Student), Postgraduate, 2004 -
Institutional and attitudinal determinants of women's legislative recruitment : the case of the Republican People's Party in Turkey
ASLAN AKMAN C. (Advisor)