Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Institute of Applied Mathematics, Turkey
Approval Date: 2010
Abstract:Analysis of large networks in biology, science, technology and social systems have become very popular recently. These networks are mathematically represented as graphs. The task is then to extract relevant qualitative information about the empirical networks from the analysis of these graphs. It was found that a graph can be conveniently represented by the spectrum of a suitable difference operator, the normalized graph Laplacian, which underlies diffusions and random walks on graphs. When applied to large networks, this requires computation of the spectrum of large matrices. The normalized Laplacian matrices representing large networks are usually sparse and unstructured. The thesis consists in a systematic evaluation of the available eigenvalue solvers for nonsymmetric large normalized Laplacian matrices describing directed graphs of empirical networks. The methods include several Krylov subspace algorithms like implicitly restarted Arnoldi method, Krylov-Schur method and Jacobi-Davidson methods which are freely available as standard packages written in MATLAB or SLEPc, in the library written C++. The normalized graph Laplacian as employed here is normalized such that its spectrum is confined to the range [0, 2]. The eigenvalue distribution plays an important role in network analysis. The numerical task is then to determine the whole spectrum with appropriate eigenvalue solvers. A comparison of the existing eigenvalue solvers is done with Paley digraphs with known eigenvalues and for citation networks in sizes 400, 1100 and 4500 by computing the residuals.