Cooperation among METU Technopolis firms with regard to their sectoral distribution

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Department of Economics, Turkey

Approval Date: 2014




The main aim of this thesis is to evaluate the firms of METUTECH Technopolis in terms of cooperation among themselves with regard to their sectoral distribution from their own perspective. Accordingly, the thesis implicates some significant constituents of METUTECH in shaping the willingness and ability of its firms to cooperate. The sample placed in the center of the study is “METU Technopolis (METUTECH)”, which is regarded as the pioneer and one of the first “Science and Technology Parks (STPs)” in Turkey, and its firms. With regard to their sectoral place within METUTECH, the general perspective of the firms are related to four constituents of an STP, which also play a major role in its sustainability and development: “R&D and Innovation, Support, Sectoral Diversification ve METUTECH Infrastructure”. I will investigate how each of these factors relate to firms’ willingness to cooperate from their own perspective. The thesis is shaped by deep and detailed “semi-structured interviews” with the a large sample of firms in METUTECH and in this sense is the first study explores such questions in the Turkish context. The main finding of the study is that there are no meaningful associatons between “four constituents” and “inter-firm cooperation”. To both METUTECH and its firms have a sustainable and efficient functionality, the requirement ensues from the main finding is that: Both METUTECH Management and the firms should approach four constituents and inter-firm cooperation as a whole and consider it in determining their vision and mission.