Meslek liselerindeki matematik öğretmenlerinin fonksiyon kavramına dair alan ve öğrenci bilgisi ile bunun öğrenci çıktılarıyla ilişkisi.

Tezin Türü: Doktora

Tezin Yürütüldüğü Kurum: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Türkiye

Tezin Onay Tarihi: 2013

Tezin Dili: İngilizce

Öğrenci: Vesife Hatisaru



The present study aimed to identify the teachers’ knowledge of content and students in vocational high schools, and investigate the patterns of interrelation between teachers’ knowledge of content and students, and their students’ learning outcomes with respect to one of the most challenging concepts in secondary school mathematics curriculum, the function concept. To achieve the former, a questionnaire was administered to 42 teachers to identify their knowledge of content and students about the function concept. For the latter, two case studies were carried out. The results showed that most teachers perceive the function as set a correspondence and were aware of the univalence requirement of functions. However, most were not fully aware of the different representations of a function and ignored the arbitrary nature of functions. The teachers’ knowledge of student difficulties in the function concept varied in terms of content and quality. The data suggested some evidence of the teachers’ knowledge of content and students about the function concept and student learning outcomes. Interactions made between the teachers’ conceptions of the function and understanding of the univalence requirement of functions, and student learning outcomes. As to relating a domain and range to its graph, identifying two equal functions, and locating pre-images, images, and (pre-image, image) pairs on the axes in the graphs, no interaction was found. Also, the study revealed that the teachers’ knowledge of content and students about the function concept influenced their instructional practices. The teaching experiences in the class interacted with student learning outcomes.