Performance evaluation of existing medium rise reinforced concrete buildings according to 2006 Turkish Seismic Rehabilitation Code

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Turkey

Approval Date: 2006




Linear elastic and nonlinear analysis procedures of 2006 Turkish Seismic Rehabilitation Code are applied to medium rise reinforced concrete buildings. In this study, four storey residential buildings are designed according to the 1998 and 1975 Turkish Seismic Design Codes, and the analysis procedures are verified on these case studies. In addition to these buildings, the analysis procedures are tested on an existing school building before and after retrofitting. The assessment procedures employed in the 2006 Turkish Seismic Rehabilitation Code are based on linear elastic analysis (equivalent lateral load method, mode superposition method); non-linear analysis (pushover analysis with equivalent lateral load method and mode superposition method) and non-linear time history analysis. In this study, linear elastic analysis with equivalent lateral loads and non-linear static analysis (pushover analysis) with equivalent lateral loads are investigated comparatively. SAP2000 software is used for pushover analysis; however the plastic rotation values obtained from SAP2000 are not used directly but defined according to the code procedures. Post-elastic rotations at yielding sections are transferred to Excel and the corresponding strains are calculated from these rotations by Excel Macro. These strains are compared with strain limits described in the 2006 Turkish Seismic Rehabilitation Code to obtain the member performances. In the linear elastic procedure, structural analysis is performed also by SAP2000 to obtain the demand values, whereas the capacity values are calculated by another Excel Macro. With these demand and capacity values, corresponding demand to capacity ratios are calculated and compared with demand to capacity ratio limits described in 2006 Turkish Seismic Rehabilitation Code to obtain the member performances. Global performances of the buildings are estimated from the member performances and from the inter-storey drifts for both two methods. The results are compared to each other, and critically evaluated.