Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Approval Date: 2014
Thesis Language: English
Student: Gürem Fahriye Özbayar
Abstract:This thesis aims to review the studies made so far on systematic monitoring in urban context and develop a general methodology which has the potential to be adapted to every historic urban landscape. With the defined aim, a literature survey is carried out, and the key terms defined and used so far in monitoring methodology are studied. The key terms and the information gained through the literature survey are developed into a methodology proposal, while being applied to the case of Ayvalık-Depots Region. Monitoring, as part of a management system in a historic urban landscape, aims to understand and assess changes its cultural identity is subject to. This necessitates the assessment of authenticity and integrity of the values the historic urban landscape possess, as well as the external pressures active on the place -such as social and economic-, together with the effects and validity of the management activities. The process and system for monitoring is developed parallel with the defined framework, whereas the study is limited with the monitoring of present condition of the historic urban landscapes. The Conservation Project of Ayvalık-Depots Region, prepared within the scope of a course called REST 507-Design in Restoration 3 in Graduate Program in Restoration, Department of Architecture METU, 2005 is utilized as baseline and two monitoring missions in 2008 and 2012 are carried out. The developed methodology tried on the case study is presented, and the results are assessed.