A search for a methodology to identify the effect of employee characteristics on spatial requirements and expectations from modern office design

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Middle East Technical University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Turkey

Approval Date: 2020

Thesis Language: English



Supervisor: Ali Murat Tanyer


Dominance of the knowledge intensive sectors over the global economy, change in business nature and innovation becoming the main source of competition has affected also the physical workplaces. Eventually, 21st century office design concept has risen with the purpose of increasing collaboration, motivation and so creativity and innovation. However, there cannot be a standardized office design that is well suited to all companies due to three main factors, which are culture, sector and employee characteristics. In this thesis, as components of employee characteristics factor, the effects of gender, age, education level and profession on spatial requirements and expectations of the participants have been studied. A survey questioning the five main characteristics of modern offices was prepared and applied to the employees of PTTeM from four different departments, which are operations, finance, programming and sales and marketing. Based on the survey results, it has been discussed whether the spatial needs and expectations from the office design differ according to the gender, age, education level and department with the help of parametric and non-parametric analyses conducted through SPSS®. Department has been found to be a significant variable and spatial requirements of the investigated departments and the differences between them have been identified.