Küçük kentler Cittaslow uluslararası ağına katılmakla kentsel planlama politikalarını yeniden şekillendiriyorlar : Türkiye'den Seferhisar örneği

Tezin Türü: Yüksek Lisans

Tezin Yürütüldüğü Kurum: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Türkiye

Tezin Onay Tarihi: 2012

Tezin Dili: İngilizce

Öğrenci: Songül Öztürk



With the industrial revolution, the world was acquainted with the concept of speed. „Speed‟ has not only reshaped the economic life but also the social, cultural and environmental dynamics of cities have been determined by the concept of speed. In the fast cities of the global world, the relation between place and dwellers is disrupted, cultural values and physical environment are homogenised, and their authenticity are under the risk of being lost. Slow Movement emerged as a reaction of the fast world and its values in 1989 under the name of Slow Food Movement. It also inspired with Slow City Movement. This thesis introduces the Slow City (Cittaslow) Movement, its organisational structure and basic documents and the requirements of becoming a slow city in order to analyse how becoming a Cittaslow reshapes urban planning policies and projects via doing comparative analysis of the past, present and future urban policies and projects of Seferihisar. Since the candidacy process, in Seferihisar, many iii projects and works in the fields of environment, urban quality and infrastructure were completed or have been undertaken in collaboration with the universities, relevant occupational groups and public institutions. The planning approach of the Municipality has been distinguishably changed in the way of preserving its tranquillity and local peculiarities. These changes in the manner of the physical environment of Seferihisar and mentality of the staff and dwellers have been evaluated within the scope of their permanency. Finally, some recommendations were made for Seferihisar to sustain the name Cittaslow.