Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Turkey
Approval Date: 2004
Thesis Language: English
Student: Mehmet Altuntaş
Supervisor: ŞİMŞEK DEMİR
Abstract:In this thesis the design of a MMIC vector modulator operating in 9GHz-10GHz band is investigated and performed. Sub-sections of the vector modulator are 4-port (4.8dB) 1200 phase shift relative to the dedicated port power splitter, digitally controlled variable gain amplifier and the in phase power combiner. Alternative methods are searched in order to implement the structure properly in the given frequency band. The final design is appropriate for MMIC structure. 4-port (4.8dB) 1200 phase shift relative to the dedicated port power splitter is studied. The performance is simulated and optimized first on Microwave Office, then on Advanced Design System (ADS) tools. Various methods to design a digitally controlled variable gain amplifier are studied. The final topology is simulated and optimized on ADS tool. An in phase power combiner is designed. The performance of the combiner is simulated and optimized on ADS tool. Lumped element models are replaced with CASWELL H-40 models to achieve a MMIC structure and a layout is drawn. The finalized vector modulator is simulated and optimized on ADS tool. Key words: MMIC, Vector Modulator, Digitally Controlled Variable Gain Amplifier, Layout