Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Turkey
Approval Date: 2006
Abstract:This thesis presents design, fabrication and testing of a number of multi-frequency band microstrip-fed re-configurable microstrip patch antennas. All re-configurable antennas are designed to change from one resonance frequency to another by an electronic control of RF MEMS switches, one at a time. Besides a fixed size slot on the patch, switches are placed in insets for satisfying better input match at each resonance frequency individually. Also some switches are placed into the slot for adding another resonance frequency to change the effective slot-length like effective inset length changing.To actuate the RF MEMS switches in the configured way, DC-stubs are also designed to apply required potential difference between switch ports and the carrier. These stubs exhibit RF-open at switch side to prevent any RF leakage, and DCground on the other side. That RF short-to-open conversion is accomplished together with feed structure; with a taper depending on the feed network selected. All devices introduced here are built by Microwave Research Group in Electrical and Electronics Department, Middle East Technical University. Depending on the sensitivity of structure, some devices are built by RF MEMS group in Microelectronic Production Plant for MEMS (METU MET) during the thesis study. Therefore this study is the continuation of the first national work on fabrication of RF MEMS devices.