Memory as a tool for conservation in historical heritage sites: the case of Selçuk, İzmir /

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Middle East Technical University, Faculty Of Architecture, Department Of Architecture, Turkey

Approval Date: 2017

Thesis Language: English


Supervisor: Ayşe Güliz Bilgin Altınöz


Memory has an important role in strengthening the connection of people with place.Places, those have lost their memories, consequently loses their connections,meanings and values for the contemporary society. As a value-based process, forconservation of heritage places it is necessary that the society have still connections and the sense of belonging. Hence, revealing the memories of the heritage places can be utilized as a tool for their conservation. Accordingly, this thesis focuses on use of memory as a tool for conservation and aims at defining a methodology for revealing memories of heritage place, assessing relation of memory space and urban space, proposing strategies for re-integrating memories with heritage places. For this, thesis focuses on oral history researches as an identification method of the memory places. Selçuk, which is the significant historical town in Aegean region, is chosen as a case because of the existing oral history studies. According to the defined aim and scope, the thesis is structured in two main parts. The first part is conceptual part, where the concepts of “memory”, “urban memory”, “collective memory” as well as “commemorative value” in cultural heritage studies are discussed. The second part focuses on the case of Selçuk. In this part, the memory places in Selçuk are revealed through the analysis of the oral history study and through extensive literature and archival survey. The thesis ends with developing principles, strategies for re-integrating memories and urban space, to contribute to the conservation of the heritage places in Selçuk.