Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of City and Regional Planning, Turkey
Approval Date: 2009
Thesis Language: English
Student: Ahmet Ünver
Abstract:This thesis aims to create new perspectives in urban lighting design by discovering people’s preferences in urban lighting through an exploratory research on people’s perceptive experience of urban space at night. In this study, I aim to analyze the common approaches and methods of urban lighting design and make their critique through my research results. Primary research objectives include the evaluation of what people perceive from the urban lighting design and how they feel about the design outcomes. In order to explore people’s experience of lit urban space at night, my research comprises a survey that aims to discover people’s opinions on certain lit urbanscenes collected from the city of Ankara. Urban lighting design is a discipline that emerged to improve the aesthetic quality of urban space. It has significant effects on people and consequently on urban life. However, in this discipline, exploration of people’s needs and preference is a neglected phenomenon. Therefore, this study suggests that it is necessary to review the designer-centered perspective on urban lighting design and question whether existing approach to this discipline has preferable outcomes for people. Through this research I aim to test whether it is appropriate to pursue and carry out the existing type of lighting design, and propose new perspectives to urban lighting.