Space-time discretization of optimal control of Burgers equation using both discretize-then-optimize and optimize-then-discretize approaches

Thesis Type: Doctorate

Institution Of The Thesis: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Institute of Applied Mathematics, Turkey

Approval Date: 2011




Optimal control of PDEs has a crucial place in many parts of sciences and industry. Over the last decade, there have been a great deal in, especially, control problems of elliptic problems. Optimal control problems of Burgers equation that is as a simplifed model for turbulence and in shock waves were recently investigated both theoretically and numerically. In this thesis, we analyze the space-time simultaneous discretization of control problem for Burgers equation. In literature, there have been two approaches for discretization of optimization problems: optimize-then-discretize and discretize-then-optimize. In the first part, we follow optimize-then-discretize appoproach. It is shown that both distributed and boundary time dependent control problem can be transformed into an elliptic pde. Numerical results obtained with adaptive and non-adaptive elliptic solvers of COMSOL Multiphysics are presented for both the unconstrained and the control constrained cases. As for second part, we consider discretize-then-optimize approach. Discrete adjoint concept is covered. Optimality conditions, KKT-system, lead to a saadle point problem. We investigate the numerical treatment for the obtained saddle point system. Both direct solvers and iterative methods are considered. For iterative mehods, preconditioners are needed. The structures of preconditioners for both distributed and boundary control problems are covered. Additionally, an a priori error analysis for the distributed control problem is given. We present the numerical results at the end of each chapter.