Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Department of International Relations, Turkey
Approval Date: 2006
Supervisor: ŞULE GÜNEŞ
Abstract:This thesis analyses the interactions between poverty and environmental degradation and the responses given by the international organisations and the EU. The analysis on poverty and environment, at the conceptual level and their interactions demonstrates the interrelatedness of the two issues and the need for an integrated and coherent response towards poverty alleviation and reversing environmental degradation. International organisations such as UNEP, UNDP, WB, GEF, CSD, OECD and the EU have the two issues on their agenda and have devised comprehensive sets of policies to achieve sustainable development objectives. The response of the international actors and the EU appears to be effective, however the analysis exemplifies the fragmentation and lack of coherency, as well as the existence of some policy areas that still fail to integrate poverty- environment interactions. Moreover, the reflection of the said policies into decisive actions has also remained limited.