Geostatistical Analysis of Bathing Water Quality in Turkey

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Middle East Technical University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Turkey

Approval Date: 2019

Thesis Language: English


Supervisor: Yasemin Dilşad Yılmazel Tokel


In this study geostatistical methods were applied to critically analyze historical bathing water quality (BWQ) data available for Turkish coastal areas. The specific objective of this study is the determination of the critical bathing sites of Turkey. In order to determine the critical bathing sites, a geostatistical method called indicator kriging is used via ArcGIS. Indicator kriging was applied using three microbial BWQ parameters, namely total coliforms (TC), fecal coliforms (FC) and fecal streptococci (FS) and threshold values set to the guideline concentrations given in the Turkish Bathing Water Quality Control Regulation (Official Gazette Notice 26048, 2006). The thresholds were 500 CFU/ 100 mL for TC and 100 CFU/100mL for both FC and FS. The critical bathing sites of each of the four coastal zones of Turkey; Mediterranean, Aegean, Marmara and Black Sea were determined regarding different ‘critical condition’ criteria defined for each coastal zone. For Marmara and Black Sea regions, which showed worse BWQ, this criteria is defined as the “bathing sites with >90% threshold exceedance probabilities at least three times in last two analysis periods”. On the other hand, for coastal zones showing better profile this criteria is defined as “bathing sites with >70% threshold exceedance probabilities at least three times in last two analysis periods”. The analyses conducted illustrated for Marmara, Mediterranean and Black Sea regions only one bathing site is classified as in critical condition and for Aegean region no critical areas were determined.