Adjustment experiences of Syrian refugees in Turkey:Findings from a community-based participatory research

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences, Turkey

Approval Date: 2018




The present study aimed to understand the resettlement experiences of Syrian refugees, who are resettled in Ankara, Turkey, with respect to their strengths and assets. This study conducted under the framework of a community-based participatory research approach (CBPR). Seven adult Syrians (4 females, 3 males) with a mean age of 24.14 (SD=4.33) were reached with the help of community partners and attended in semi-structured interviews. The content analysis of the interviews was completed through a qualitative data analysis program Atlas.ti.. Research partners are involved in the analysis by providing feedback on completed analysis. Results of the study pointed out that language barriers, acts of discrimination, unemployment, being exposed to multiple losses and being away from their family members were negatively correlated with refugees’ psychosocial wellbeing and adjustment as well. On the other hand, understanding the language, being employed, accessing to basic rights and social and economic resources, having previously settled relatives in Turkey and getting citizenship appeared as positive factors impact refugees’ adjustment process via decreasing number of resettlement stressors and pave the way for accessing to other resources. Moreover, family ties and social network, hope for future, similarity of cultures and relative freedom for Syrian women appeared as strengths and assets of Syrians. These results are discussed in relation to refugees’ resettlement and adjustment process literature. The implications of the results were provided for policy makers, psychological health professionals and non- governmental organizations (NGO).