Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Turkey
Approval Date: 2012
Abstract:Urban archaeological sites are important traces of history in the cities and should be conserved for the next generations with their values. For their survival in the urban context it is essential to integrate them to the current urban context they exist in. In this study, four urban archaeological sites in Ulus, Ankara are analyzed for understanding their states of integration by constructing an analysis method. In this process the conceptual frame and methodology offered by the APPEAR Project were regarded as basic tools. Within this scope, firstly a general overview is put forward about the APPEAR Method, Ankara and Roman Remains in Ulus with also discussing the current legal framework in Turkey. Afterwards the analysis is done on the archaeological sites; Roman Baths Open Air Museum, Cardo Maximus, Augustus and Roma Temple and Roman Theatre. Finally the fundamental principles and options are put forward for these Roman remains’ integration in the current urban context. The analysis conducted on the four urban archaeological sites reveal that the Roman remains in Ulus are not integrated with their current urban context This situation is threatening their survival while causing problems both for the v remains themselves and the city. The study while defining basic principles for the sites’ integration it also puts forward three fundamental concepts that should guide the enhancement projects. These are: Accessibility, Visibility and Intelligibility which are regarded as the tools for strengthening the contextual unity of the sites and their integration in the urban context.