Thesis Type: Doctorate
Institution Of The Thesis: Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Computer Engineering, Turkey
Approval Date: 2011
Thesis Language: English
Student: Gürkan Özhan
Abstract:This thesis presents a two step automatic transformation of Field Artillery Mission Space Conceptual Models (ACMs) into High Level Architecture (HLA) Federation Architecture Models (FAMs) into executable distributed simulation code. The approach followed in the course of this thesis adheres to the Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) philosophy. Both ACMs and FAMs are formally defined conforming to their metamodels, ACMM and FAMM, respectively. ACMM is comprised of a behavioral component, based on Live Sequence Charts (LSCs), and a data component based on UML class diagrams. Using ACMM, the Adjustment Followed by Fire For Effect (AdjFFE) mission, which serves as the source model for the model transformation case study, is constructed. The ACM to FAM transformation, which is defined over metamodel-level graph patterns, is carried out with the Graph Rewriting and Transformation (GReAT) tool. Code generation from a FAM is accomplished by employing a model interpreter that produces Java/AspectJ code. The resulting code can then be executed on an HLA Run-Time Infrastructure (RTI). Bringing a fully fledged transformation approach to conceptual modeling is a distinguishing feature of this thesis. This thesis also aims to bring the chart notations to the attention of the mission space modeling community regarding the description of military tasks, particularly their communication aspect. With the experience gained, a set of guidelines for a domainindependent transformer from any metamodel-based conceptual model to FAM is offered.