Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Turkey
Approval Date: 2007
Abstract:Turkey is located on a seismically active region and ranks high among all countries that have suffered losses of life and property due to earthquakes over many centuries. In addition, its building stock has usually poor construction quality with seismically improper structural systems. These lead to a need for rapid and reliable assessment and retrofit procedures. In the 2007 Turkish Earthquake Code, a new chapter is included for assessment and retrofit of existing buildings. The assessment procedures proposed in the Code are classified as linear elastic and nonlinear procedures. An engineer is allowed to choose one of these two procedures without any restriction. In this study, a research was undertaken in order to clarify the differences between the seismic assessment procedures in the 2007 Turkish Earthquake Code. For this purpose, two pairs of existing and retrofitted residential buildings were assessed according to the principles of both procedures proposed in the 2007 Turkish Earthquake Code. The assessment results were also compared with the actual performance observations from a 5-storey building which suffered damage during the 1999 Düzce earthquake. In addition, an anchorage design methodology was developed for the exterior coupled shear wall retrofit solution, and tested on a 6-storey case study building.