Thesis Type: Doctorate
Institution Of The Thesis: Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Approval Date: 2007
Thesis Language: English
Student: Hasan Baktır
Abstract:This thesis studies the representation of the Ottoman Orient in Eighteenth Century English Literature. The thesis argues that a comprehensive understanding of the representation of the Ottoman Orient in 18th century English literature requires a new perspective; thus investigates different aspects of the interaction between the Ottoman Orient and 18th century Europe. Said's Orientalism discusses how European writers created a separate discourse to represent the Orient. The present thesis does not completely reject Said's arguement;rather it argues that there was also a negotiating tendency which did not make radical distinction between the East and the West. Relying on 18th century pseudo-oriental letters, oriental tales and oriental travelogues the study tries to indicate that representation of the Ottoman Orient in 18th century English literature was different from the earlier centuries because developig critical and liberal spirit established a negotiation between the two worlds. The negotiation of the two worlds has been studied as a significant theme of the pseudo-oriental letters, oriental tales and oriental travelogues. The present study tried to indicate how the critical and inquisitive spirit of the age of Enlightenment interanimated Oreiental and European cultures.