X-band high power solid state RF switch

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Turkey

Approval Date: 2012


Supervisor: ŞİMŞEK DEMİR


RF/Microwave switches are widely used in microwave measurement systems, telecommunication and radar applications. The main purposes of RF switches are Tx-Rx switching, band select and switching the signal between different paths. Thus, they are key circuits especially in T/R modules. Wideband operation is an important criterion in EW applications. High power handling is also a key feature especially for radars detecting long range. In this study, different types of high power solid state switches operating at X-Band are designed, fabricated and measured. The main objectives are small size and high power handling while keeping good return loss and low insertion loss. The related studies are investigated and analyzed. Solutions for increasing the power handling are investigated, related calculations are done. Better bias conditions are also analyzed. The measurement results are compared with simulations and analysis. Circuit designs and simulations are performed using AWR® and CST®.