Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Geological Engineering, Turkey
Approval Date: 2009
Abstract:Çiçekdağı basin developed on the Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex (CACC) is a foreland basin developed as the southern integral part of the Çankırı Basin during the Late Paleocene to middle Oligocene. The basin has two compartments separated by the Çiçekdağı High comprises two sedimentary cycles. The oldest cycle comprises Baraklı, Kocaçay and Boğazköy formationsa and is exposed both in the northern and the southern sectors. They were deposited in marine conditions. The second cycle comprises İncik and Güvendik formations and was deposited in continental settings. The first cycle comprises uniformly south-directed paleocurrent directions in both the northern and southern sectors whereas the second cycle deposits are represented by south-directed directions in the southern sector, and bimodal directions in the northern sector. In addition, the second cycle formations contain progressive unconformities and coarsening upwards sequences indicative of thrusting. Internal structures of the units and paleostress data indicate that the basin experienced over-all compression and local extension due to flexural bending. This gave way to inversion of some of the normal faults and uplift of the Çiçekdağı High during the deposition of second cycle in the Late Eocene to middle Oligocene time which subsequently resulted in compartmentalization of the basin.