Suriye'de Fransız manda yönetimine karşı siyasi mücadele:1920-1946

Tezin Türü: Yüksek Lisans

Tezin Yürütüldüğü Kurum: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Türkiye

Tezin Onay Tarihi: 2020

Öğrenci: Hanif Uslu



In this thesis, the French mandate period in Syria and the nationalist movement against the mandate between 1920-1946 is analyzed. This thesis aims to show that the main characteristic of the Syrian political developments - political parties as representation of Arab nationalism and contribution after the development of Arab nationalism and also show that the changes and continuities in politics of notables in Syrian political development. This thesis argument that political parties as the main organization through which the resistance the French rule has been institutionalized and materialized. The thesis assumption is that political parties are the key to understand the political system in a country and then through the thesis examine political parties as the most crucial element of the political system in Syria. The thesis emphasized that the French mandate system has left legacy in Syria and underline that political parties were - while creating – not always a coherent voice but emphasize on national political and independence and issue of sovereignity and unity against the colonial power-anti imperialism. In all, this thesis conclude that the continuities and the political transformation from the Ottoman period to the mandate in terms of urban classes, ideologies –Arabism and Arab nationalism- and political institutionalization show the revolutionary period for Syria.