A comparative assessment of an existing reinforced concrete building by using different seismic rehabilitation codes and procedures

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Turkey

Approval Date: 2006




Lateral load carrying capacities of reinforced concrete structures which are designed by considering only gravity loads or according to outdated earthquake codes can be insufficient. The most important problem for these buildings is the limited ductility of the frame elements. How to evaluate the performance of an existing structure and to what level to strengthen it had been major concerns for structural engineers. Recent earthquakes which occurred in the Marmara Region in the last decade have increased the number of seismic assessment projects drastically. However, there was no special guideline or code dealing with the assessment of existing buildings. In order to have uniformity in assessment projects, a new chapter has been included in the revised Turkish Earthquake Code (2006). In this study, the existing and retrofitted conditions of a reinforced concrete building were assessed comparatively by employing linear and nonlinear assessment procedures according to different seismic rehabilitation codes. The study was carried out on a six storey reinforced concrete telephone exchange building. Although there was no damage in the structure due to the recent earthquakes that occurred in the Marmara Region, the building was assessed and retrofitted in 2001 by using equivalent lateral load analysis results. The results of linear and nonlinear assessment procedures performed in the scope of this thesis, were also compared with the assessment results of this previous study. In the nonlinear assessment procedures, pushover analysis results were used. In addition to comparison of the assessment procedures, efficiency of a widely used approximate pushover method was also investigated.