Class-based resistance dynamics of petty commodity producers: subjective aspects of everyday life in a village of Western Turkey /

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Middle East Technical University, Turkey

Approval Date: 2014

Thesis Language: English

Student: Yeşim Akmeraner



The focus of the thesis is to understand the change in agricultural relations by analyzing the class-based resistance dynamics of petty commodity producers and the subjective character of everyday life on the basis of the field research conducted in a village of Western Turkey. The thesis attempts to include class confrontations embedded in feelings, values, expectations, images while establishing the relation of small peasants and the general social relations within the context of prevailing class experiences of petty commodity producers in Turkey. The thesis also tries to understand how peasants experience ‘peasant images’ as crucial part of making of class based on resistance dynamics. In order to comprehend resistance dynamics, the thesis also focuses on the character of peasant labour on the basis of master-apprentice relationship within the family as well as its specific work discipline that are marked by the unity of production and reproduction. The thesis argues that such an analysis is helpful to understand the specifities of subordination of peasants that incorporate ‘hegemonic’, ‘non-hegemonic’ and ‘counter hegemonic’ features. In that sense, the thesis argues that petty commodity producers resist against pressures of dissolution constituted by multiple patterns of class differentiation and cultural diversifications and representations of everyday life experiences based on class confrontations.