Sedimentological, cyclostratigraphic analysis and reservoir characterization of Balakhany x formation within the productive series Azeri field on C01 well (Offshore Azerbaijan)

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Geological Engineering, Turkey

Approval Date: 2008




The Azeri, Chirag, Gunashli (ACG) field is located offshore Azerbaijan. The reservoirs are multilayered sandstones forming traps within a major anticlinal structure. Proven crude oil reserves are estimated to contain 5.4 billion barrels of oil. In the past this area has been studied in regional detail but not at the reservoir scale with respect to the fluvio-deltaic sediments filling the northern shore of the ancient South Caspian Sea. The aim of this study is carried out the sedimentological, cyclostratigraphical analysis and reservoir characterization of Balakhany X Formation within the Productive Series which is considered to be one of the significant producing horizons. To be able to achieve this objective, a 30m thick section, which is mainly composed of siliciclastics, has been studied in detail on Balakhany X cores from C01 well Azeri field. In this study, detailed lithofacies analyses were performed and sandstone, mudstone, siltstone facies were recognized in the studied interval of the Balakhany X Formation. Litharenites and sublitharenites sandstones are the most abundant in the succession. Sedimentological analysis such as grain-size sphericity, provenance, XRD, SEM and grain surface texture were performed and their relationship with depositional environment were discussed. The grain size distribution of the samples along the succession shows distribution of fine to very fine sands. Sorting of sandstones ranges between moderately well to very well sorted. The provenance analysis of sandstones based on modal analysis of thin sections related to recycled orogen. According to interpretation of grain size parameters and grain surface textures analysis the main transporting agent of sands observed as wind, wave and river agents. High resolution cyclostratigraphy studies based on cm-m scaled cyclic occurrences of lithofacies along the measured section were performed. Milankovitch, sub-Milankovitch and millennial cycles were determined along the studied section. The petrophysical analysis revealed good to very good (18 to 24%) porosity and good permeability (10 to 538mD) in Balakhany X Formation. The porosity and permeability are affected by both textural and compositional controls. Grain size distribution along the reservoir section is fine to very fine sands. Influence of compaction was observed by the fractures and dissolutions on the sand grains. The calcite cement, grain-size variation, sorting and compaction are the main factors controlling porosity and permeability.