Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Geological Engineering, Turkey
Approval Date: 2015
Abstract:The Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex (CACC) forms a part of Alpine orogenic belt in Turkey and incorporates three major massifs and several basins that developed during extension commenced by the Late Cretaceous. They were deformed during subsequent collision of Anatolide-Tauride Platform and Pontides. The deformation of the region has resulted in the break-up of the CACC along major deformation (fault) zones. The present study aims to test existence of one of these fault zones, namely Delice-Kozaklı fault zone. Several structures are mapped and their geometric analyses are carried out. The structures include: (i) a syncline with axis trending in 070º; (ii) syncline and anticline with axes trending in 160º; (iii) approximately NW−SE-trending plunging fold sets; (iv) E−W-trending anticline and syncline; (v) NW−SE-trending overturned folds; (vi) a NW−SE-trending (130º) and NNW−SSE-trending right-lateral strike-slip faults and (vii) WNW−ESE-trending north-verging reverse faults. Several fault plane data has been collected from the basement rocks and basin infill for kinematic analysis. Paleostress analysis and the stratigraphic data suggests two deformation phases: (1) NW−SE compression that lasted by middle Oligocene and (2) a post-Oligocene NNE−SSW compression that gave rise to a dextral transpressional deformation. The common results of the geometric and kinematic analyses of the structural data argues for the existence of the Delice-Kozaklı fault zone and that the study area has stayed within same deformation zone during NW−SE and then NNE−SSW compressional phases.