Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Middle East Technical University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Turkey
Approval Date: 2019
Thesis Language: English
Supervisor: Bekir Özer Ay
Abstract:Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a promising technology on resilient design. The use of BIM technology could enable seismic design and installation of nonstructural elements. This study discusses the usefulness of BIM in seismic design and assessment of lightweight steel stud gypsum board partition walls (drywall systems). This study also presents the potential of BIM in order to disseminate the information about seismic demands on drywalls in reinforced concrete (RC) structures among stakeholders during the design phase. Thus an integrated and synchronous approach is proposed where the analyst can specify the required precautions or metadata through BIM that eliminates stereotype installations before starting or revising the physical construction process. Two generic office buildings fictitiously located in İstanbul - Turkey, are modeled. One of them is designed according to design earthquake whereas the other satisfies the demands of maximum considered earthquake (earthquakes with 475 and 2475 year return periods, respectively). The required models of these buildings are produced in BIM compatible software and data exchanges are supplied between these environments by Application Programming Interface (API) extensions. The seismic demands on drywalls are presented to show the differences among interior partition walls located in different parts of the building and having various equipment. The demands on the drywalls are evaluated according to reference data from drywall specification sheets and ASCE/SEI standards. This study showed that, by making use of BIM technology, the relatively vulnerable and overdesigned walls can be easily distinguished and shared with all stakeholders before the installation or renewal of the systems which eventually saves life, time and money throughout life-cycle of the buildings.