Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Approval Date: 2019
Student: Caner. Pense
Supervisor: ŞULE GÜNEŞ
Abstract:International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) e-Navigation concept aims to utilize advanced communication and decision support technologies to increase the overall safety of navigation and prevent maritime accidents while reducing ship emissions, operational costs and workload on the maritime sector; globally. The e-Maritime concept is an e-Navigation vision that is adopted by the European Union (EU) which shares the same aims with the IMO’s e-Navigation concept. However, the EU e-Maritime concept also aims to develop European policies, strategies and capabilities needed to adopt a union-wide, effective and efficient maritime Single Window system that shall increase the profitability and competitiveness by reducing the administrative burden on the European maritime industry. The primary aim of this thesis is to explore the harmonized international co-operation on the development of technologies, standards, strategies and legal frameworks on the road to the actualization of the e-Navigation and e-Maritime concepts. The secondary aim of this thesis is to explore the strategy, technological advancements, infrastructure investments and legal developments regarding e-Navigation and e-Maritime concepts in Turkey. These aims are adopted to provide comprehensive information which can contribute to future research, and up-to-date status of the development and intended future uses of these concepts in order to emphasize their expected benefits and effects on the maritime industry. The methodology of this thesis mainly consists of a multi-disciplinary evaluation of information and knowledge gained from the primary and secondary sources on IMO’s e-Navigation and EU’s e-Maritime concepts, and related developments in Maritime Intelligent Transportation Systems in Turkey.